“Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.”
– Dalai Lama
Wellness Tip:
Cultivate a Positive Mindset
There’s science behind positive thinking. It boosts serotonin, which in turn lowers cortisol levels. In other words: positive thoughts make you happier and less stressed!
Easier said than done, right? Well, there are ways to cultivate a positive mindset. That doesn’t mean glossing over all the bad stuff – it means focusing on your strengths, practicing gratitude, counting wins (grab a Panda Planner if you need help remembering to do all these things!), and having self-compassion.
Read more here and see if you can think more positively today.
Productivity Tip:
Boost Your Cognitive Powers
Certain habits can boost cognition and protect our brains from aging. Try to:
- Eat for cognition (hello broccoli, beans, nuts, fish, and dark chocolate! 🍫)
- Focus on brain biomarkers: manage your glucose, vitamin B12, folate, and cortisol.
- Eat more omega-3s and flavonoids.
- Play brain games.
- Move your body.
Better brain function means a more productive day, every day. Why not try it today?
Routine Breakdown
Alexa Mullane, Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist & Nutritional Advisor to Wiley’s Finest
Mother and nutritionist Alexa Mullane says the easiest way to make positive lifestyle changes is to start small – “micro habits that you can repeat daily until it becomes second nature.” Here’s her routine.
- Drinks water. “Hydrate before you caffeinate.”
- Gets out in daylight for 10 minutes as early as possible. “Natural daylight helps to set the circadian rhythm, energy levels, hormone levels, and sleep patterns.”
- Practices grounding. “I stand barefoot on my lawn and contemplate the day ahead, or do a bit of yoga on the grass.”
- Moves her body for lymphatic flow and to boost energy. “Some days I only manage 10 minutes before my toddler wakes up but it’s important for me to get moving.”
- Eats within an hour of waking “to prevent a rollercoaster of hormones and flagging energy” and takes her supplements at the same time every day. She recommends Vitamin D and Omega 3 to her clients.
Why it works:
- Dehydration hinders cognition, so drinking water is good.
- Morning sunlight really is all that. Try to get it if you can!
- As Alexa says, “Grounding has been scientifically proven to help reduce inflammation, pain and stress, and improve blood flow, energy, and sleep.”
- Exercise does stimulate lymphatic flow, improving immune function. It boosts energy, too.
Alexa is a fan of habit stacking – like going outside for a three-in-one dose of grounding, morning light, and movement. This takes the thinking out of it, “so before I know it, I am doing these little healthy actions automatically.” Have you tried stacking habits together?