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Wellness Tip:

Let Go to Move Forward

Change often requires letting go. As Chris Williamson says, “If you know that there’s something that you’re meant to change, you will have to let certain groups, friends, routines, places, activities, recreations—you’re going to have to let those go.”

Holding on to old habits or environments can keep you stuck. Growth means creating space for the new, which sometimes means releasing what no longer serves you. It’s not always easy—letting go can be challenging and even scary. But by letting go of relationships or activities that hold you back, you create room for healthier habits, new opportunities, and positive changes.

Take a moment to reflect: what’s keeping you from the change you want to make? Identify one thing you can begin to release, and take a small step toward your growth today.

Routine Breakdown

Rory Vaden, Entrepreneur, Speaker & New York Times Bestselling Author

A Routine That Starts Strong and Ends Strong

Rory Vaden

Strategist Rory Vaden calls his routine “The Morning Routine You Need to Succeed,” and it consists of four key steps. Here’s how he wins his days: 

The Routine:

  • Prayers and gratitude. “The moment you come into consciousness, there is a battle for your mind. The way I win that battle is to pray. You might call it ‘gratitude.’ I thank God for my wife, my kids, our home, our team, our clients, and our business.”
  • Self-talk. “I have a list of affirmations that I go through every morning and it includes what I want to achieve and what I want to avoid. Create a list and make sure you read it every day before you start working on your goals.”
  • Exercise. “A light jog around the block or a few stretches are good enough. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to get yourself in a great mood and ready to crush your goals.”
  • Goal visualization (night routine). “As I’m falling asleep, the last thing I think about is a visualization of the next goal I am pursuing in my life.” Rory has done this for every single goal he’s had—from getting his black belt to making the New York Times Bestseller list.


Why it works:

  • Praying may be good for mood, stress levels, heart health, and more, while gratitude has a raft of research-backed benefits.
  • Positive affirmations replace negative thought patterns with healthier ways of thinking—which can lead to greater confidence and reduced stress.
  • Exercise doesn’t just do your body good, it’s also crucial for mental health. 
  • Goal visualization at night keeps your aspirations front and center, even while you sleep, helping you stay motivated.


“The most important battle every single day is getting your mind right,” says Rory. His routine helps him get there. What do you do each day to get your mind right? Is there something you could do better?

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